Thrillshare Sessions

Monday, September 30, 2024

Lunch from 11:30am to 12:30pm | Sessions at 12:30, 2:00, and 3:30PM

Select up to three sessions to attend (first come, first served) and submit your preferences here:

Apptegy’s Thrillshare Sessions at SchoolCEO Conference are a unique opportunity to apply learnings from research and other school leaders to your work. These highly practical sessions are rooted in the foundations of great marketing, SchoolCEO’s research, and best practices for using Thrillshare, Apptegy’s brand and communications platform.

Enjoy lunch at Apptegy’s HQ (transportation to/from the hotel provided!) before diving deep into hands-on practical sessions. If you’re an Apptegy client, this is an opportunity for you to meet with your Client Success Manager. If you’re considering working with Apptegy, meet our team to learn more about our unique approach and why 4,000+ districts have switched to Apptegy’s Thrillshare platform. Everyone is welcome to a tour of Apptegy's HQ between sessions!

Session 1: What Teachers Want: How Your Website Can Help Achieve Your Recruitment Goals

Attracting and retaining talent is a crucial challenge for many districts. Based on the SchoolCEO 2023 multigenerational study of teachers, you'll learn how your website can attract teachers and staff by highlighting support, leadership, culture, and location. You’ll also learn key private sector best practices on how to stand out from other districts.

Session 2: Supporting Enrollment Goals: Telling Your Story to Prospective Families

Nearly every aspect of a district’s operations, from staffing to program offerings, stems from one key factor: student enrollment. For many, your enrollment numbers determine your funding—and your funding determines just about everything else. Enrollment marketing is a complex problem that can’t be solved with a simple answer, but one strategy can help: the customer journey. Learn the path to building exceptional enrollment marketing for your schools.

Session 3: The Five Stage Bond Campaign

School bonds, milliages, and levies have become more important than ever—and more politicized. While most voters have positive perceptions of their local schools, districts find themselves having to work harder than ever for stakeholder support. All of this speaks to the necessity of crafting a bond campaign that aligns with the goals of both your community and your district. You need to build this strategy from the beginning to win over as many voters as possible, and we'll teach you how.

Session 4: Marketing You: Building Your Personal Brand

All superintendents have a personal brand—are you in control of yours? The better your stakeholders know who you truly are as a leader, the more they will trust you and support your leadership. The key is to tell your own story with intentionality, to center it around your core values, and to make it a guidepost for your leadership. In this talk, we’ll explore real life examples and content from SchoolCEO to get a better understanding of what a personal brand is (and isn’t) and how it can help you better lead your district towards its goals.

Session 5: Partners in Comms: Strengthening the Working Relationship between Superintendents and Communications Directors

Communications professionals play a critical role in their district’s ability to meet current challenges and build a memorable brand. With 600 responses from across the country, SchoolCEO’s newest research (2024) explores what capabilities and opportunities are made possible when school communications professionals have (or don’t have) access to executive decision making. We’ll explore how superintendents and communications directors can better support and trust one another.

Session 6: Layers of Leadership: Principals and Building-Level Marketing

Principals play a critical role in the success of their schools. Although they aren't marketers in the typical way, principals are active members in marketing the strengths and culture of your district. SchoolCEO’s qualitative research study, which interviewed principals and superintendents, explores why regular communication between district staff and principals is a must for ensuring a district’s brand health. We also explore how principals can change the perception of your district through the power of experiences.

Session 7: Rock Your Rebrand: How to Win Internal and External Stakeholders When Rebranding

Rebrand can sometimes seem like a scary word for school leaders, but when done right a successful rebrand can reenergize community engagement and boost teacher and student recruitment. Refreshing a brand is a unique opportunity to unite both the past and the future under the umbrella of a well-developed identity. It’s a chance to reaffirm the values you’ve stood for over the years while looking ahead to the kind of institution you hope to become. In this session you’ll learn the how and whys of a rebrand and how to communicate it internally and externally to your stakeholders.