Hi! We’re Apptegy, your school’s communication and marketing service provider.

Why did I receive a message from this number?

Apptegy is an education technology company. Our tools let school administrators send messages quickly and easily to parents, guardians, community members, and other school contacts. If you received a message from us, it was on behalf of one of our partner schools.

Who is writing these messages?

A representative of your school’s administration is in charge of writing any text messages that are sent through our system.

Where did you get my number?

Your number is kept securely on your school’s student information system, which integrates with our service. Most likely, you are the main contact for a student that attends an Apptegy partner school.

Can I stop receiving messages?

Yes. You can opt out of any future messages by responding “STOP” to the text message you received from number 98900.

Can I opt back in to start receiving messages again?

If at any time in the future you would like to opt back in and start receiving the communication messages from the school, you can do so by sending “START” to 98900.

I have opted out, but I am still receiving messages.

If for some reason you are still receiving messages, feel free to email support@apptegy.com. Our team will ensure that your number is removed from our system or marked a no-contact number.