Keep your community engaged with
your schools.

Your community extends far beyond the walls of your district. It’s made up of extended family members, alumni, city officials, and neighbors. All of these folks have a direct impact on your schools.

They vote on important bond issues, attend Friday night football games, and host citywide events at your schools. In fact, up to 60% of voters, in some cities, have never had children or grandchildren attending their local district.

Our powerful communication tools allow you to engage your external community and keep them connected with your schools.

Share success stories with Thrillshare.

Great stories are happening in your schools all of the time. But does your community know about them? Success stories create community, and community, in turn, creates success stories.

Thrillshare is the tool that allows you to share these stories throughout your community. Simply craft your message and publish. With just one click, Thrillshare will share your story across all communication channels, including your website, app, and social media. Control your brand identity and streamline communication through one tool.

Ramya M. | Data

Stay connected with newsletters.

Not all your community members have children attending your schools, but plenty of them still want to stay connected. Take grandparents, alumni, and local business owners, for example. They might not have direct ties with your district, but they still have a vested interest in what’s happening.

Newsletters are an excellent way to keep those connections strong. With Engage, you can easily create your newsletter with drag-and-drop visual and text elements. Build beautiful, customizable newsletters and segment your audiences into Lists quickly and easily.

Track and analyze community perception.

Your audience is talking, but are you listening? Forms make tracking and analyzing community perception easier than ever. Quickly organize, track, and respond to your community’s needs with one easy-to-use tool.

Nowadays, we expect excellent customer service. Forms enable you to deliver just that. Our beautifully designed Forms help you gauge audience sentiment and use what you learn to better serve your extended community.